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Professional Development

Included on this page are: video clips to inspire thought and discussion and disagreement, podcasts about history, professional development websites, and tools to help enhance our curriculum. Everything was chosen to enhance our reflective practice and add to our department's existing commitment to ongoing professional development.

TED Talk- Amy Burvall & Herb Mahelona

"What I Learned from Napoleon and MTV"

This is a TED Talk by the pair behind the Historyteachers YouTube music videos.

TED Talk- Jane McGonigal

"Gaming Can Make A Better World"

An inspiration point for Parkinson and Benard's NHCSS presentation, about gaming, empathy, and education.

RSA Animated- Changing Education Paradigms

Sir Ken Robinson explores coming changes in education and why they are necessary and unavoidable.

RSA Animated- 21st Century Enlightenment

Matthew Taylor explores the meaning of 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by organisations

Formative Assessment/Evaluation

One Ph.D. candidate's explanation of formative assessment ("formative evaluation"), using mainly the research of Paul Black and Dylan William's article "Inside the Black Box."

What is 21st Century Education?

Short piece about what it means to provide a 21st Century classroom (hint, it's not all about the integration of technology).

History Podcasts

Professional Websites

  • Educators Professional Development is the largest online database of professional development conferences and workshops for educators and teachers from Early Learning to Grade 12.
  • ASCD is a membership organization that develops programs, products, and services essential to the way educators learn, teach, and lead.
  • MyNHDOE sign-on page, where you can keep track of your certification and state testing. Here is the PDF manual for the system (it might be a needed tool).
  • Curriculum21 (Heidi Hayes Jacobs) site about technology and global studies integration into the curriculum.
  • Literacy Websites for Students Grade 9-12 is a listing of a variety of sites that can be used to boost literacy skills in the classroom.
  • MyLearningPlan- This is the site that we are using for professional development and leave forms starting with the 2012-2012 school year.
  • Common Core Standards- This website is a listing for the Social Studies related Common Core Standards (9-10 & 11-12).
  • Simple K-12- With the catchphrase PD in your PJs, Simple K-12 provides days worth of professional development webinars, tons of shared resources, and entire pd courses on a plethora of topics. 

Tools to Enhance the Curriculum

Professional Books

Conference Notes

Did you go to an interesting conference and have items/idea/notes that you want to share with the group? Email Amy with what you want to post, and she'll put it in this section.
  • ​Writing in the Common Core (12/11/12 at SERESC): Fred Wolff and Lynna Garber Kalna day-long conference on what the new Writing Common Core Standards are, and what they require of schools. These notes are taken during from their presentation, and Fred and Lynna own all the orginal work.
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