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Elementary and Middle School

Essential Question: The quest for technology has been an ongoing thread in modern history, how did this impact global events of your Middle School years?

How social media can make history - Clay Shirky

TedEducation Talk about the changes and role of Social Media


Articles and On-line Resources

Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation by Neil Howe, William Strauss and R.J. Matson (2000)
The World According to Y: Inside the New Adult Generation by Rebecca Huntley (2006)
The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw (2004)

• Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 by Neil Howe, William Strauss (1992)

•The 1990s by Marc Oxoby (2003)

The Mismeasure of Man (Revised & Expanded) by Stephen Jay Gould (1996)


• "Bill would give control of deceased's social media to family" (WMUR, 1/15/03)

​"The Tone of Life on Social Networking Sites" from Pew Research Center (2012)

"TV Personality vs. Twitter Trolls" Story out of Australia about exposing Trolls using Twitter (2013)

"Post-Mortem Photography: A History" by A. Paul Myers (2012)

"Why Teachers Use Digital Games and Why Schools Teach Gaming" by Christine Cupiauolo (2012)

Summative Assessment

Web Page Project

Unit EQ: The quest for technology has been an ongoing thread in modern history, how did this impact global events of your Middle School years?

     With this summative assessment, you are going to be creating a web page based on the life of a middle-school aged child. The key is that it does not need to be a current middle-schooler. What was life like in you were a 10-14 year old during the 1960s? 1860s? 300 BCE? What you will do is pick a time period, research what it was like for those children during that time, and then create a multimedia web page about the time period. It should be multiple pages, include videos, music, primary sources, secondary sources, images, and content that you write (all of which is properly cited). Make sure that in your page design, you make sure that you write about technology that they were using. But remember, as Alan Kay said, “Technology is anything invented after you were born, everything else is just stuff." When completed, you will present the your web page to the class, so remember to keep everything school appropriate.


    · Surf the net to find sites that you like. Why do you like them? Emulate the features that draw you in.

    · Sites like offer simple tools to easily create great websites. That way you can spend more time on the content, rather than the formatting.
    · Keep an eye on how you are creating your site, if you are working off of a program that is only at school or at home, you WILL run into trouble, and waste time.
READ THE RUBRIC! Look at what is being asked of you. Re-read the rubric before you “pass in” your completed project.
    · ASK FOR HELP. If you need help, ask, whether it is for content or technology issues.

Finished Projects!!!

In-Class Resources

This is a selection of course Power Points and presentations. Students are encouraged to share their work for the unit here as the unit progresses.



After your final status update - Adam Ostrow

TedEducation Talk about the changes and role of Social Media

History of Intelligence Testing

Part of an introduction to psychology from

Lobotomy - PBS documentary on Walter Freeman

Warning: This video is pretty disturbing. Viewer Discretion Advised.


Build a website in 3 minutes

Tutorial on how to quickly use the basic functions of wix.



Lalee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton (2001)

Intelligence: How Smart Are You?


Ze Frank's web playroom 

TedTalk about highly interactive online resources and experiences.


Gabe Zichermann: How games make kids smarter

TedTalk about gaming, students, and the idea of gamification.


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