33. Thesis Writing 101 (11/4)
EQ: How do I express my ideas in a clear and concise manner? Thesis 101 Last day to work on the Friday Forum research and Thesis writing...
32. State of New Hampshire (11/1-11/3)
EQ: What are the perceptions of this state? How does that impact our voting style? Google Presentation and Discussion on the State of NH...
31. Federal Government Summative Test (10/31)
EQ: What do you know about the Federal Government? Summative test on the Federal Government If you finish early, you may work on missing...
30. Summing up the Federal Government (10/28)
EQ: So, do we need the Federal Government? Crash Course: Bureaucracy Basics Jeopardy/Game Review for Monday's test #studyguide
29. Federal Government Poster (10/26)
EQ: How do you sum up the Federal Government visually? Using your study guide from the day before, team up with one other person and...
28. Study Guide Creation (10/25)
Subplans EQ: What is the purpose of the Federal Government? Students will use the review sheet for the Federal Government Test, on...
27. Presentations (10/24 & 27)
EQ: What makes a good presidential candidate? Presentations of the research on presidential candidates that the students did for their...
26. Parkinson out sick (10/22)
EQ: What makes a qualified president? I reserved Chromecart 9 (room 2013) for today, for them to finish their papers and presentations....
25. Presidential Candidate Research Project: Work Day (10/21)
EQ: What makes a good presidential candidate? Final day to work on the presidential candidate research project, due tomorrow #lesson...
24. Supreme Court 2015/2016 Cases (10/19)
EQ: What does the future hold for the Supreme Court? Presentation on the 2015/2016 Supreme Court Cases In-class assignment on various...