31. What is Public Policy? (12/13)
EQ: What is public policy and how does it shape government? Presentation and discussion on Public Policy #lesson #publicpolicy...
25. Finish Presentations about Supreme Court (11/20)
Finish up remaining presentations about the Supreme Court Cases #2017 #lesson2017 #lesson #judicial #2017judicial #presentation
17. A Presidential Agenda (10/16)
EQ: How do the decisions of the Executive Branch impact those outside of the government? Reading on the Presidential Agenda as well as an...
6 & 7. "We the People" Presentations (9/13 & 9/15)
EQ: How was the US government created? NOTICE!!!! Quiz on Friday, September 15th on everything so far. Students are then going to work in...
5. Introduction to "We the People" Teach the Class (9/11)
EQ: How was the US Government really created? Today is an introduction to how to give a presentation (Presentation & Handout) Students...
35. Presenting: State of New Hampshire (11/9-11/10)
EQ: What are the perceptions of this state? How does that impact our voting style? PRESENTATION DAYS Google Presentation and Discussion...
32. State of New Hampshire (11/1-11/3)
EQ: What are the perceptions of this state? How does that impact our voting style? Google Presentation and Discussion on the State of NH...
59. Final Exam Presentations (1/12-15)
EQ: How do I organize what I know? DAYS 1/12 & 1/13 Students will be given two days and one partner to create a presentation on some...