59. Final Exam Presentations (1/12-15)
EQ: How do I organize what I know? DAYS 1/12 & 1/13 Students will be given two days and one partner to create a presentation on some...
58. Summative DBQ on Local Government (1/9)
EQ: How do I show what I know about local government and its documents? Summative DBQ on local government #lesson #local #summative #dbq...
57. Summative Test on Local Government (12/8)
EQ: How do I show what I know about local government? Summative test on local government #summative #local #lesson
56. Where does my money go locally? & Review for Test Tomorrow (12/7)
EQ: Where does my money go locally? How do I demonstrate what I know? Taxation and Where you money goes (responsibilities) at a local...
55. Your Money in Action (1/6)
EQ: So, do we agree with how our money is being spent? Complete the graphic organizer on the riders, if not yet done. On the board,...
54. Your Money in Action (1/5)
EQ: How does Congress decide what to do with your money? Overview of the rest of the semester- calendar and important dates Reminder of...
53. Your Voice in Action (12/18 & 12/19)
EQ: How can your individual voice make a difference? Watch Legally Blonde II (Theme: Young lawyer heads to Washington to change animal...
52. Robert's Rules in Practice, Do Unions Work? (12/ 16)
EQ: Do you believe in Unions? Why/Why not? Inside Man with Morgan Spurlock: Unions (http://www.netflix.com/WiPlayer?movieid=70304951&t......
51. Writing Days (12/15 & 12/17)
EQ: How has your topic influenced (or been influenced by) American Government & Policies? Work on the Civics Research Paper (which is due...
50. Writing Day (12/11)
EQ: How has your topic influenced (or been influenced by) American Government & Policies? Work on the Civics Research Paper (which is due...