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High School

This unit looks at what has been going on around you while you’ve been in high school: What have you seen? What have you missed? It looks at the impact that the ongoing war on terror has had on a generation of teens, the perceived adult reaction to teens, an increase in citizen activism, and how the economic choices of their lifetimes came to fruition. The unit then compares these with teens from other eras (ex: Vietnam, The Roaring 20s, and the Great Depression) to show the similarities and differences between the generations.

​"Whatever Happened to the Jock, the Brain, and the Princess? Young Adult Pathways Linked to Adolescent Activity Involvement and Social Identity" by Barber, Eccles, and Stone (2001)​

​​"The Tone of Life on Social Networking Sites" from Pew Research Center (2012)

​"TV Personality vs. Twitter Trolls" Story out of Australia about exposing Trolls using Twitter (2013)

HOYL: High School

HOYL: High School

HOYL: High School
Adolescence: Crash Course Psychology #20

Adolescence: Crash Course Psychology #20

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How social media can make history - Clay Shirky

How social media can make history - Clay Shirky

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Johanna Blakley: Social media and the end of gender

Johanna Blakley: Social media and the end of gender

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Warning: Some of the music videos have adult themes and language.

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