20. Introduction to Ancient Mesopotamia (9/28 & 29)
Presentation and accompanying handout to kick off the Middle East portion of the Unit (the Monotheism part is incorporated into the...
19. Geography and the Persian Empire (9/25)
EQ: How did geography affect the spread of the Persian Empire? I am out this day, so students will be watching "Engineering an Empire:...
18. Summative Assessment
EQ: How do I show what I know? Summative test on the history and culture of Africa and the monotheistic religions. (C2 and C3)...
17. Review for Summative (9/23)
In-Class review for the summative assessment on the History and Culture of Africa and the introduction to monotheistic religions...
16. Introduction to Ancient Religions (9/22)
EQ: What are the basic beliefs of ancient religions? Presentation and Discussion on the basic terminology of studying religion. #religion...
15. Introduction to Christianity (9/21)
EQ: Where do historians get their information when it pertains to Biblical studies? Watch "Mesopotamia:Return to Eden" and complete the...