67. Alexander the Great Review & Summative Writing Activity (2/12)
EQ: How do I check the understanding of others? Watch the Alexander the Great review video Work in partners to write a summative exam to...
66. City Planning a la Alexander (2/10-11)
EQ: How did Hellenism shape the modern world? City planning activity (Design your own Greek City based upon a set list of "must have"...
64. SPA Day (2/4 & 2/8)
EQ: What is the meaning of life? In class, we will be working through an examination of the Ancient Greek philosophers and see how they...
63. Athens vs. Sparta (2/2 & 2/3)
EQ: Which was better: Athens or Sparta? Why? Presentation and discussion on the differences and similarities between Athens and Sparta...
62. Quiz and Mythology (2/1)
EQ: How does the oral tradition hinder/help the sharing of culture? Quiz on the vocabulary terms from the Ancient Greek portion of the...
61. Daily Life in Greece (1/27 & 1/29)
EQ: What would your life be like in Ancient Greece? You will be working in small groups to complete a series of station activities about...